We would like to take this moment to thank everyone that made this Biz Times Media article possible.

Yeves Perez, Remote Work Champion of Workbnb, Inc has been intstrumental in helping increase publicity and getting the word out about what we at Remotely are doing.

Thank you to Ashley Smart for the great write-up.

Thank you to our team of collaborators Front DeskLevrBizzy Bizzy for helping us out behind the scenes.

And lastly thank you to our incredible team Stephan Mesdjian, CPA, EADrew ReynoldsAndriy ApetreyOwen Patti for making this all possible.

We here at Remotely believe that #worktravel and #remotework are here to stay. If you are interested in learning more about what we are doing, please click the link!


Thank you to Yeves Perez of WorkBnB for this great medium write-up regarding remote workers in Madison and Milwaukee!